Member Benefits
Serving Progress in Business, Industry & Community ... We Partner With You!
How We Serve Member Businesses?
Networking opportunities
People like doing business with people they know, and members are encouraged to network with other business people through Chamber events.
Business After Hours
These events are sponsored by member businesses to showcase their company and are held throughout the year when requested by hosts. Attendance ranges from 40 to 60, with an average of around 50.
Monthly Membership Luncheons
These are Chamber Luncheons, held each month on the 3rd Wednesday. Speakers present business-related topics and programs and when time permits, members are able to 'Speak Out' about their businesses.
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies
Dignitaries, Chamber Board of Directors, Media & Ambassadors are invited to these events which are published in the local papers and Chamber Electronic News Letter.
Peggy Pop In
Peggy Ricadionna will come to your business and interview you in your business and showcase all that you do. Call the Chamber for more information.
Advertising opportunities
Member businesses may take advantage of a number of advertising opportunities.
Member News
The weekly FREE Chamber newsletter includes articles about member businesses. Member businesses are encouraged to use this opportunity to publish information about their business, their staff, and their events free of charge. The monthly newsletter which is distributed to over 1100 individuals in over 550 area businesses.
Members may sponsor events and have their business included in the event coverage, including the local media, Chamber News, event-related mailings, and at the event.
Door Prizes
Members may donate door prizes at Chamber events. Door prize donors are recognized and thanked at events and in the newsletter.
Member-to-Member Deals
Members may offer discounts to fellow members which are listed for Chamber Members on our website and are available to all chamber members and their staff exclusively.
Belmont County Safety Council
The Chamber partners with Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation to promote the Belmont County Safety Council which can earn an employer up to a 4% rebate on their workers compensation premiums by meeting certain criteria.
Workers Compensation Group Rating Program
Members may participate in the Group Rating program offered through Careworks Consulting to earn the maximum discount allowed by BWC.
Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance (SOCA)
Members may participate in discounted employee health insurance programs.
How We Promote Area Business Success
Coffee & Connections a monthly event that happens on the 1st Wednesday on the month. This is a speak out where you will get 2 minutes to tell us about you and your business.
The Chamber office promotes member businesses to callers and visitors.
How We Serve the Community
Meet the Candidate
These political events are held, when appropriate, as a forum in which voters have the opportunity for a face-to-face meeting with prospective office holders.
Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade
These events kick off the holiday season in the center of town and attract residents and visitors to the downtown area. Local musical groups are invited to sing and Santa stops by for a visit. Our parade is one of the largest in the Ohio Valley, with nearly 70 participants annually.